DIKITISA® - The Regeneration is a transforming experience, using new frequencies of electromagnetic light waves to bring about healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. These very strong energies are activated at the beginning of the session by the person who gives you the Realignment Healing session and they continue to work long after the session. Thanks to your participation in such a session you will be changed forever; you will be synchronized and you will function at higher frequencies than ever before.
There are two different applications in which the Regenerative energy is used:
Regenerative Healing, &
The Regeneration
Contact us for more information or make an appointment for a session.
1. Act of regenerating; state of being regenerated.
2. Electronics. a feedback process in which energy from the output of an amplifier is fed back to the grid circuit to reinforce the input.
3. Biology. the restoration or new growth by an organism of organs, tissues, etc., that have been lost, removed, or injured.
4. Theology. spiritual rebirth; religious revival.
Dikitisa® - The Regeneration focuses on connecting our own grid of energetic lines, the meridian lines, with the ley lines of our planet and from there with the grid of energy lines running through the universe into the heart of the Source. As a result, your physical electromagnetic network is connected to the larger whole of the universe and connected again with the evolution of the universe. By tracing the axiatonal lines into the body, the frequencies of electromagnetic light waves manifest themselves and an enormous amount of light and information is exchanged. Dikitisa® - The Regeneration will connect your physical DNA with all 13 original DNA-RNA strands.
During the session, I will energetically move different grids over your body and I will activate the so-called 'spin points' in your body. These grids and spin points lie alongside and on your 4th dimensional meridian system and connect it with your 5th dimensional light body which is connected to the new grid, making contact with your higher self who can communicate through light, sound and geometric codes via these lines providing regeneration, recovery, growth, innovation and evolution. At these spin points, new structures are provided at the cellular level.
Dikitisa® - The Regeneration covers two sessions of approximately 75 min on two consecutive days requiring 1 sleep cycle between them to 'recalibrate' the spin points. This healing costs Euro 333, -. During the sessions, the patterns around the body are again realigned with the original blueprint of our system and with the surrounding vibration levels for a spiritual update. When we are reconnected to this, our Higher Self has access again to the basic energy and information necessary for all of the renovative functions of our body, both our physical body and our evolving body. As a result, many people experience a deep connection, an intensification of intuition, which increases self-confidence, a sense of coming home, an accelerated development process, finding their life mission and healing in various areas. Dikitisa® - The Regeneration works throughout life at all levels.
Dikitisa® - The Regeneration is only done once in a lifetime, then the grid or electromagnetic network continues to work with you.
Contact us for more information or make an appointment for a session.